A New Year, A New Life, A New You!
Sara Purdon Sara Purdon

A New Year, A New Life, A New You!

So, how do we create a new life and get out of being stuck in our old ways? It starts with creating new habits, a new mindset, finding joy in the small things, taking care of our bodies (God’s temple) so that we can feel better, sleep more, exercise more, drink less, go outside more and see nature, and find ways to be present in the moment, so that God can show us all he has in store for us.

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This is THE day
Sara Purdon Sara Purdon

This is THE day

This is THE day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24

Did you catch that? We’ve heard that verse over and over, and it hit me today that it doesn’t just say this is a day that the Lord has made. It says this is THE day.

Present means today. Not just A day, but today. THIS IS THE DAY.

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The Choice is Yours
Sara Purdon Sara Purdon

The Choice is Yours

I started thinking about how many choices we have in a 24 hour period of time, and then how many choices we have in our lifetime. It’s mind bogging, really.

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Just Do It
Sara Purdon Sara Purdon

Just Do It

Have you ever had something in your life that just keeps nagging at you?  That thing that you try to procrastinate but it keeps peeking into your thoughts and never completely goes away?  Well, I feel that God has been nudging, pushing, and I say “nagging” because of my procrastination…

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