A New Year, A New Life, A New You!

Have you ever heard that change is inevitable?  Knowing it certainly doesn’t make it any easier, but the fact remains, change is inevitable.  Not many of us like change, but one thing is for sure, our circumstances, our lives, things as we know them, will change.  We all say that our children grow up too fast.  They are the sweetest babies, then toddlers, then in a blink they become challenging teenagers and we can’t wait for them to grow up and move out!  And then….they do.  And there’s this vacuum of silence in our home.  Last fall, our last child left for college.  There were no more high school events to attend.  No more permission slips to sign.  No more moms’ planning meetings for future sports banquets or homecoming dances.  No more smelly football clothes, sibling squabbles, or meals to make for them and their buddies.  It all just stopped.  By Thanksgiving, he and his sister came home for the break and the house was full of laughter and doors slamming and wet towels left on the floor.  All too soon, they drove away back to school together, and KP and I walked back into a quiet house.  People say we need to learn to embrace change, to stop resisting.  Growth, trials, joy, grief, happiness, sadness; all of it is like this emotional roller coaster ride of life. We experience all the joys on the upside, then all the teeth grinding, stomach flipping anxiety on the downside.  It’s not that any season is better or worse than another.  It’s when we can learn to slow down and ask, “what lesson can I learn from this season of life?”, so we can fully embrace the changes.  Scripture tells us over and over to “Be Watchful!  Be Alert!”  Therefore, instead of dreading change, we should watch for it, expect it, prepare for it and embrace it. 

But how????  Learning to be present.  We just finished the Christmas season, and so many times we hear that the best gift is “being present” with our loved ones.  Living this day as if it’s our last.  Slowing down and being grateful.  Being mindful of our blessings.  Looking at the sunset and the pattern of the clouds.  Going outside and hearing what the birds are singing today.  Waking up in a warm bed.  That first cup of coffee.  Watching what's immediately around us and getting in the habit of naming 5 things to be grateful for.  The mind can’t worry and be grateful at the same time, so focusing on our blessings.  Letting go of worry and control, since there is very little we can control anyway.  Focusing on God, focusing on the present.  The tremendous gift of the present.  In the book, The Greatest Salesman in the World, the author says, “I will welcome obstacles, for they are my challenge.”

New life comes when we say “create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me….”  After all, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:22-23  He is molding us into something new.  Always changing us to be more like Christ.  Always seeing if we are up for the challenges presented to us.  Renewing our minds and our bodies from the inside out.  

When the kids were driving away for college that day after Thanksgiving, I wanted to melt into a puddle of tears as I watched their car go down our street.  I reminded myself to focus on what I’m grateful for.  Here’s the list I rattled off in my head: 1.  We raised amazing kiddos who applied themselves to get into college.  2.  Both kids are at the same school where they can ride home and back together if they choose to.  3.  KP and I started with just the two of us, prayed for children, God blessed us with them, and now it’s back to just the two of us.  Our kids belong to Him anyway.  4.  Being empty nesters is also pretty amazing! 5.  Our family is healthy and happy and this is a healthy, good, normal transition of life.  And a bonus: 6.  We get to watch them transform from teens to adults who are about to spread their wings and fly! 


Kevin and I walked back into our house that day, hand in hand, smiling instead of crying.  So, how do we create a new life and get out of being stuck in our old ways?  It starts with creating new habits, a new mindset, finding joy in the small things, taking care of our bodies (God’s temple) so that we can feel better, sleep more, exercise more, drink less, go outside more and see nature, and find ways to be present in the moment, so that God can show us all he has in store for us.  It’s right there within our grasp if we will just slow down…breathe…be mindful…be watchful and alert. We will find wisdom and joy in every circumstance when we ask Him, “What are you teaching me in this moment?  What is the gift you have for me today?  What is the blessing to come from this?”  

Change is a part of life.  Our gift is to live in the present.  Today, be watchful, be alert for the blessings and all the gifts associated with today.  Then, we can let the past go, let the worries of the future go.  At the beginning of this new year, ask our creator whose mercies are new every morning, and whose creativity for renewal and transformation is endless, for a new mindset, a new life, and a new you! 


It’s the Simple Things


This is THE day